Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I am very good at avoiding productivity so, here's my procrastination list. These are the things I do instead of whatever (usually writing) I'm supposed to be doing.

1) Facebook. This is probably my biggest time waster. I check it constantly. I stalk people (not really), post pictures, talk to friends, look at stuff for sale in all of the horse groups I'm a part of, etc.

2) I read. A lot. Doesn't matter what genre as long as it's good.

3) I blog. Either here, on my personal blog, or on my business blog.

4)  I watch the "Fall Off" videos on Judge My Ride's website and laugh at other people falling of their horses as long as they aren't hurt. I can laugh because I've been bruised there, felt that, and lived to tell the tales.

5) I watch Mythbusters episodes. Hey, at least it's partly educational. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!

6) I go to the barn and chill with the horses.

7) I stare at a blank computer screen. This happens way too often.

8) I watch TV and movies.

Well, there you have it! Those are my biggest time wasters. Enjoy!

Saturday, February 4, 2012


As you can tell I sometimes get the urge to try my hand at poetry and so I do. I ply away and see what comes and usually I fail--miserably. I think this adds to my appreciatiation of good poetry because I know that I can never inspire the way others do. I love all the greats, Poe, Frost, and Longfellow, but a poem that has always inspired me with such sweet sorrow, such strong emotion is a poem by one of my favorite actors, James Stewart. The poem is simply titled, Beau. This is what poetry is meant to do. It is meant to make you feel--feel deeply whatever it is the writer is trying to convey and it's only really a success in my book if it makes me feel. I don't want to be told what it is like to be sad or to yearn or to love or to dream, I want to feel it, experience it. Somehow, with his simple, honest prose Stewart never fails to make me cry when I read or hear him read Beau. This is what makes poetry so importent--it's ability to make us feel emotion using the written word. So, I will continue to write poetry--rather badly--in an effort to make others feel the way I do.

This is a video of Jimmy Stewart reading his poem on the Tonight Show:

Friday, February 3, 2012

The Beginnings of a Story

Before a story is a story it is just a random thought.

What if...

I have long been thinking that it would be interesting to write a book or screen play full of anticipation that points to one thing, but then when it all reaches the climax and you are expecting some big thing *BAM* nothing exciting happens. Imagine...